Call for applications - France Excellence Research Residency 2025

Every year, the France Excellence Research Residency grant allows researchers in Ireland to travel to France for a short mobility. This grant is open to all domains of research. Deadline for this year’s call for applications is October 18, 2024.



Domains All fields of research, including the humanities and social sciences, are concerned. However, applicants are invited to highlight possible links with priority areas (health, energy and environment, digital).
Applicants’ status Researchers or PhD students working in an Irish research institution
Exclusion criteria Joint supervision & co-supervision with French institution
French nationals are not eligible
Duration Between 15 and 30 days
Funding The funding depends on the category of the researcher and the duration of the stay in France:
PhD student – 1704€ (for 30 days)
Young researchers (less than 5 years since PhD) – 1704€ (for 30 days)
Experienced researchers (more than 5 years since PhD) – 2055€ (for 30 days)
No additional support for costs (travel, accommodation, etc.).
Deadline for application 18 October 2024 included
Results February 2025
Possible mobility period 1st April 2025 – 1st December 2025


Fill in the form

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Send the documents (word or PDF) mentioned below to with the subject "Research Residency_Name" respecting the nomenclature indicated in brackets for each document. Please note that your e-mail should not exceed 5MB.

• Form (form_Name)
• CV (CV_Name)
• Invitation letter (Invitation_Name): signed invitation letter from the host research institute in France written in French or English with the exact dates of the stay and the logo of the university
• Reference letter (Reference_Name): signed reference letter from your Irish research institute or employment contract or academic registration in home establishment in Ireland

Applicants who have already benefitted from a research residency grant of the French Embassy in Ireland between 2020 and 2024 are not eligible. Ulysses laureates are eligible.

Selection procedure

The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research ensures the scientific expertise of the applications.
The final selection of candidates is done by the French Embassy in Ireland.
The selected candidates will be informed in February 2025.

The France Excellence-NUI Research Residency grant

Two laureates from the cohort will be awarded the France Excellence-NUI Research Residency grant.
This grant is funded and administered by the National University of Ireland.
Only applicants from one of the NUI institutions (University College Dublin, University College Cork, University of Galway, Maynooth University, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and the Institute of Public Administration) are eligible for this grant.

Last modification: 12/08/2024

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