2016 Events
- Health at the heart of a collaboration between RCSI and the University of Montpellier
- A review of scientific and academic cooperation between France & Ireland in 2016
- A seminar by Dr. Frédéric Barrière in Galway and Dublin
- Four prominent academic characters presented with the Palmes Académiques
- Three Chevaliers, serving French language
- ICIS pre-conference in December 2016
- [Symposium] An international collaboration against AIDS
- Business school: agreement between UL and Marseille
- [Symposium] Limerick: a dynamic partner in French-Irish collaborations
- [Symposium] French-Irish Collaborations
- Health at the heart of a collaboration between RCSI and the University of Montpellier
- [Conference] French Academy of Surgery & its founders
- [Conference] A CNRS silver medal in University College Dublin